Back in the day I could barely tell a sewing machine's front from its back as I've never in my life was taught sewing. Then, I discovered the doll and historical costuming hobbies, and I knew I can't be left without pretty dresses. Onto Google I went, and educated myself how to tailor and sew dresses and today I am proudly making my amateur, but lovingly created dresses.

Menta Magazine Photoshoot
This is the whole photoshot from my 2013 Autumn Feature in Menta Magazin. Find out more at my Awards&Features menu
Menta Magazine:

Eurosteamcon Hungary 2013
We've jumped in to the Europe-wide event of dropping a Steampunk Event in 2013.

Visiting Nadasdy Castle
We were at castle Nadasdy, a breathtakingly beautiful building. It is really unique with it's mixed look of the Victorian times and Middle Age features.
This was my first attempt wearing a bustle dress which I loved! I only had to make something out for the bustle skirt, because the skirt hoops i bought turned out to be no we used metal ligaments that is for boxes that my boyfriend brought me.

Ship trip on Titanic Memorial Day
As there were the 101th anniversary of the legendary Titanic's tragedy, we decided to dress in the proper time's clothes (1912) and ride on the newly launched ship lines on Danube.
My dress is a simple long black dress with straps, then i wore a lace dress over it which I altered by opening and lining it in the front. My sash is sewn and decorated with wood balls covered in threads making a tuft. My hat is a modern straw hat i got at Tesco and i decorated it with flowers from the market, lace, and a feather wing i meant for dolls.

Clock Owl Ball
There was a charity ball organized to help for children. This was the one i made the poster, flyers, and button designs for.
This was my first big project that was actually completed. Im very, very happy with the result since i never learnt to sew nor making patterns. I did not have any ready-made patterns either, so I checked the construction of them and altered them to fit my mannequin freehandedly.

Hungarian Revolution Anniversary​
This date is an important day for hungarians, so we went showing our pretty Hungarian Gowns around. This skirt is my Ballgown's skirt and i made a hungarian gown bodice for it and since the cold weather, I also altered a simple modern coat. I transformed its shape from straight to hourglass and decorated it with hungarian rope-moulding also.